I found this Wonder Woman crawling is acceptable falling is acceptable puking is acceptable blood is acceptable sweat is acceptable pain is acceptable quitting is not shirt inspiring. Not everybody’s compass is set for the right direction at the beginning. Sometimes it takes time to realize that your happiness really depends on you, not someone else’s opinion or idea what your life should be. So many people suffer in unhappiness when they can simply change it to be happy. There are far too many couples that stay unhappy because they can’t be true to themselves. Yes, leaving a picture book relationship is daunting, but living a lie is worse. You only get 1 life, make it your own. When you become happy, your world is not only happy, but healthy, exciting, scary, and unknown. Unless you’re happy, the world looks like a trap with no way out. The world looks unhappy too. Make yourself happy. That is something you’ll never regret! It is so many people that are in this situation. They rather remain unhappy and stay stuck in a relationship/ marriage. Is that any way to live?

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