Try to make our This workout is rated PG powerful girl some material may not be suitable for weak men shirt be sweet. I know I wrote that wrong but I’m gonna write it right bc I can I finally say I’m writing again, started writing again. Am I missing something? I’m still waiting for the point of this shirt. The whole meaning of the shirt flew right over your head. One can only guess why your husband chose another woman in his life. Your miserable and don’t know true happiness and you tried to drag him down with you. Maybe you don’t perceive what Happiness is. Happiness comes from yourself and only yourself and not essentially from the kinds of stuff you get. Happiness is how you feel within yourself and the world. So may you feel frustrated and not sorry for her. Because your last relationship hurt you and make you feel in pain. It is not outside and inner state is what outside. I thought she was a victim of domestic or some form of abuse.

Buy this shirt: This workout is rated PG powerful girl some material may not be suitable for weak men shirt