Trump is clumsy in handling what needs St Patrick’s Day Irish Madman Jameson shirt. He is the face and heart of the party he’s in. Right out there where everyone can see. He used their own game to get in. So Trump is turning the top upside down. Good for him. There is no shame in taking help when it is needed, that is what part of our taxes are. You never know where life will take you. If that’s great for the economy. Why don’t we just all go on food stamps? And then see how great the economy is. Food stamps are fine for a Limited time. But not a Way of life. The economy grows from builders and doers, not takers. I watched the unfairness and lived it. At least the ones that were enjoying the 800 dollars worth of food stamps brought us meals because my dying husband didn’t qualify. He came home from his business that was so in debt from his health and died at the table.

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