A child hurt himself by sticking a Sorry I am already taken by a smart and sexy June guy and yes he bought me this shirt in his own arm. After told multiple times in multiple ways by multiple teachers to stop. This was middle school and the kids have 6 or 7 teachers a day. By the time he got to my room, he’d been self-groomed to a bit covert, as well. I dressed down, threatened with loss of my job. And the parents called the school board to complain about my lack of classroom management. Now, all the folks who know me and my teaching know the real story. But it’s there in black and white for posterity. So that a family complained to the school board about me along with the documentation. But that their child hurt while in my care. So you bet your teachers terrified. Take his pencil away?

Buy this shirt: Sorry I am already taken by a smart and sexy June guy and yes he bought me this shirt
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