A faithful partner and friend, a loving She’s black she’s a Queen she’s a Nurse she’s living her best life shirt, and a long time Special Ed and speech therapy assistant for many beautiful and special little ones. Also a caring and open-minded person. I don’t pretend to know who you are but could easily jump to conclusions about you also, based on your rude comments to me. I choose not to, however. Maybe I need to hear more of her talk. But she seems like a whiny spoiled brat who just threw away a good thing. This shouldn’t be glorified. Did you not pick up on the idea that she married and moved away to this so-called wonderful life to please her father, trying to fulfill his expectations of her? It is too bad that she didn’t give it more thought tho. And do what was right for herself at the beginning instead of living a false life though and consequently hurting the man.

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