When I’ve gone to a show in the Schrute farms bed and breakfast Est 1812 retro shirt. I normally end up in the men’s loos. I can’t always wait to go in the ladies, what do some of you do in there for goodness sake! And why go to a group when half or more don’t want to use the loo? How to feel about this, I feel like to make a point he needs an example of how architecture could speed things up. While I do believe different perspectives help tackle problems more creatively and efficiently at times. I really don’t see how you can fix this with a design based solution without changing how women pee fundamentally. What about one huge unisex bathroom with stalls and one smaller urinals-only bathroom? That way the men who need a stall can wait just as long as the women.

Buy this shirt: Schrute farms bed and breakfast Est 1812 retro shirt
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