l grew up dirt poor. But my mother always impressed Prince Rogers Nelson dearly beloved we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life shirt upon me. So that l would well receive if l dressed well. Funny thing that did not seem to apply to me when l was young. Cause she had to sell my new dresses from grandmother to feed us. However, paranoia made her throw out food. Go figure. lesson learned- learn to reach out and trust your neighbors. stop being so proud that you refuse to ask for help. Do not run away from your family. Because you think a job in the city is your meal ticket. Remember who is your provider. So my God will provide all according to his riches and God, the psalmist reminded us ‘owns all the cattle in a thousand hills’. Because it gives me a feeling of security and pride. So it makes me feel and the people around me so special! We’re going out for dinner happens multiple times a week.

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