Marriage is not about Mr. Rum Pig shirt just me. It’s two of us. There will always be low times. But because I made a vow of for better or for worse and till death does us part, I think God wants us to stick it out. After all, what is a vow? When it becomes about you, that’s when you will go wrong. She’s ridiculous! Having a perfect life, an amazing husband and everything she could possibly want. Totally my story except for Italy and the lake. No one understood why I left a good man. He didn’t beat me. So I had everything. It’s interesting. But I don’t see any point. What was the main issue? Is it Italy. Or is it your man .or is it you were homesick for home? Mixed emotions on this. You don’t just leave a commitment when you go through unhappy times and call it your soul knowing what is best.

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