Thank god 4 giving you inner I’m a simple woman I like Cross Mickey Disney and fishing shirt to get beyond a horrible experience early in your life. God isn’t through wu yet. His unconditional love, grace, and mercy are so amazing. This is a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? I’m so grateful for us all to know that God will never leave us or forsake us. Parents leave, husbands and boyfriends, leave us but God will not. I love Him. He’s perfect & his love is everlasting. You are something I too was ignored by my own mother against my stepfather, she didn’t care about me just her support she was getting from him she later looked at me and said it was all my fault what he had done to me we don’t have any kind of relationship since which is fine by me. Losing your mother over such a thing is tough. Betrayal is heartbreaking.

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