How is wanting to be happy in your Freddie Mercury Bohemian Rhapsody shirt? I never understood that. Seems some others could be jealous that she can finally move on to be happy and they can’t? Seems that she hated on for being real. If wanting to be happy and leaving something that isn’t satisfying on all levels, physical, emotional, etc. So why stay? I don’t understand how being torn inside and feeling like she was and actually leaving makes her selfish. Imagine yourselves feeling down inside and hear yourselves screaming for release and not having the courage to get out. Because you are not going to be selfish. Just imagine how you would feel. Wouldn’t you go mad? I know what it is like to feel empty inside and I always find ways of relieving that emptiness. Unfortunately, I have been the girl that left behind. Because I wasn’t the person they wanted and I didn’t do anything wrong, just like the husband in this story.

Buy this shirt: Freddie Mercury Bohemian Rhapsody shirt