All of my dreams became goals later on as 63 Earths can fit inside Uranus 64 if you relax shirt, and now I am working to make them come true! this young man is literally just giving everyone a pep talk about them getting started. the only promise he had made in this shirt is that we will feel better if we work towards making them the reality. It’s a start! I’ve worked hard all year to get my life facing the right direction and those adjustments alone have brought me to a place where I can say that this has been an awesome year for me, and because of what I’ve done this year, 2019 is going to be x3 as amazing. Can’t have this sort of outcome is negative. When do you rest? Rest is very important to your health. Imagine being so fragile that you have to compare your life to kids to make it seem like you’re so tough and enduring. You missed the mark on what he’s saying. Being ignorant isn’t flattering. God put him here as a vessel to remind us of what’s important. God hides people in all types of forms.

Buy this shirt: 63 Earths can fit inside Uranus 64 if you relax shirt